Looking for some cash without having your credit checked? No teletrack payday loans might be the way for you to go. Payday loan companies that don't use Teltrack don't care about your credit rating. They only want to know if you make enough to pay them back so that they can get their money on your next payday.
They don't need any collateral from you either. They just need to know that you earn a steady income from where you work.
No Teletrack Payday Loans Are Easy to Apply for and Very Easy to Get!
Before you submit your on line loan application - which takes all of ten minutes to fill out - check the cash advance company's terms and conditions. If they don't use Teletrack or some other company to verify what you say they will not check your credit. This information is usually clearly stated on their site.
Teletrack - What is It?
Teletrack is a company that works with lenders and gives them important information about someone's credit. They can do skip tracing and tell cash advance companies if an applicant has ever declared bankruptcy or if they owe any money to other payday loan companies.
They also confirm an applicant's ID and let their clients know if they feel it would be a fraudulent transaction.
Nowadays, because of the intense competition between payday loan companies, most of them do not use Teletrack. And because this is one less thing for them to do they can get you your money faster.
Filling Out Your Payday Loan Application - Takes Only 10 Minutes
It's rather amazing how easy it is to get an online cash advance. You can apply for it any time of the night or day in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee. When you're approved you'll have the money in your bank account by the end of the next day or even sooner. Sometimes, especially if you apply to a faxless cash advance company for a loan, it can be in your account within one hour.
And because the company you apply to does not require you to fax over any information you can do everything from your computer at home.
The interest rates for payday loans is a lot higher than what you'd pay in the bank and rates vary from one company to the next. But if you need money for an emergency it's good to know that they are available for you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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